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What brought me here...

When it comes to me I rather not define myself through a title or limiting stories because as I believe they do not do justice to the immensity and complexity of each human being. I am the adult woman but I am also the eternal child. The scientist, the manager, the artist and the entrepreneur. The intuitive observer and the dedicated listener who is passionate about life. My path is one of light and shadow.


I was born into an anxious family, where everything is for yesterday. I had a happy childhood, but one that was also filled with challenges, recurring stays in hospitals and poor health. Adolescence was a challenging, painful phase, full of shame and discomfort. I began to develop the subconscious belief that certain unique parts of me were not enough or welcome in this world at all.


To survive I created protective strategies: I adopted limiting beliefs, I buried the parts that I least liked about myself or that I didn't think they fit in - my shadows- and I created defense mechanisms - my masks. All in a desperate attempt to fit in society, to be recognised and loved.


I became a fragmented human being, my essence shattered into shadows hidden behind masks. In my chest lived an insatiable thirst to unite all these pieces, but with few tools, I lived in the illusion that something or someone external to me would complete/fix me one day.


I studied a lot and I was often rewarded for academical excellence, all heavily motivated by this desire to feel needed and valued. I became a pharmacist because it was a well paid career, I worked in the financial sector because I liked the prestige it gave me. I moved abroad because I couldn't find me in Portugal. I lived my 20s in an unbridled search for external validation that filled my ego but not my soul. Sounds familiar?​


In the midst of despair and tears, on the verge of a serious burnout, I discovered meditation and began to question my life. In my early 30s, I dropped everything I had "achieved"; and returned to Portugal leaving my career behind. But it wasn't until I discovered the magic of breathwork and shadow work that I began the journey of my life - the journey to my inner self. I went through my darkest parts, I started to heal their deep wounds of rejection, to accept them and reincorporate them to re-discover this treasure that lived inside me - my essence, what makes me unique and complete.


Today I live happier and with less things. Because in the midst of these shadows I discovered who I am. I found ways to channel the power of these darker parts and characters to benefit myself and those around me. I know who I am and that's why I prefer to define myself in a few words-I am an eternal explorer.


This was and continues to be the trip of a lifetime, the one that brings me wisdom and calm regardless of what's going on around me. And I want to share this with the world.


Will you join me?


  • Certified Breathwork Facilitator (400h+) at Alchemy of Breath

  • Mentor at Alchemy of Breath- Certification in progress for Breathwork Practitioner (800h)

  • Teacher in training of shadow transformation and personal development Bring It! by Jamie Catto

  • Advanced Vedic Meditation Master (2016-2021 @ Beeja)

  • The Art of Living with Ayurveda at AkiSintaSaude

  • Master in International Management at IE Business School (2013)

  • Pharmacist from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon (2006-2012)



Find out more about this fascinating practice

Relaxing in Nature
Relaxing in Nature


This project was created as a contribution to a vision of a more conscious and less violent world, in harmony with nature and its cycles. A proposal for a new way of living life. A way that focuses on the inner reality, responsibility and empowerment of the individual and on the elevation of their emotional intelligence. A form powered by the greatest force that exists in this Universe - The force of Love.


Thus, at ins.prana I create 1:1 or group inner journeys and adventures that facilitate the release and delicate transformation of beliefs, social conditioning and the effects of trauma accumulated in the body. A project that encourages you to embrace the most unique and hidden parts of yourself and letting your masks fall. I guide you to listen before you act, Yin before Yang. So that all release and transformation is delicate and respectful of the time your body and being needs. Here we do not force healing. We listen and let it arrive in its own time.

We cannot heal the world without first healing our own wounds.

The ins.prana method

The ins.prana method usually includes breathwork sessions that incorporates four essential elements:


Alchemical Breath

Use of the conscious connected breathwork



Use of free and specific movements to assist the releasing process.



A playlist uniquely crafted for your journey. Voice activation and live healing sounds

Felt Sense

Close observation of sensations and emotions to promote reconnection with the body

In addition to breathwork sessions, ins.prana journeys may include:

  • Shadow work

  • Inner child work


All this is done with complementary playful and gentle exercises, thus allowing you to approach heavier topics in an easier way and process the pain of the past.


At ins.prana its up to you where would you like your journey to go - this is a team effort where you will be offered several tools to carve your own healing path. We work as a team, and cases that go beyond my professional skill set will be referred to appropriate professionals of my trust, potentially for collaborative work.​


ins.prana also offers the possibility of spiritual development only for those who feel comfortable exploring this path.

Lying in Green Field


Find out more about this fascinating practice

Wheat Field

I want to venture within to discover what lives in me!

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Find out what is happening...first hand!

© ins.prana 2022- All rights reserved

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